Turkey Tail (Trametes Versicolor) Tincture: Immunity

Turkey Tail (Trametes Versicolor) Tincture: Immunity
Turkey tail mushrooms are powerful and safe medicine, increasingly used in conjunction with chemotherapy treatments to protect the immune system, allowing for better bounce-back from the sometimes debilitating treatment.
See Paul Stamets discuss the clinical trial and turkey tail in this video here, at minute 11:35.
Read more about the study here.
Turkey tail combines all the medicinal benefits of other mushrooms to nourish and protect the immune system, prevent new blood vessel formation to fat cells and cancer cells, and reduce inflammation.
Their flavor is mild, so it’s easy to add the tincture to stocks as an easy way to pump up the nutrient and medicinal density of foods.
Here at SHO we found the most perfect wild trametes versicolor and made a double-extracted tincture from the very same mushrooms shown in the photo.