Fresh St. Johnswort Tincture: Musculoskeletal Pain, Nerve Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Fibromyalgia, Anti-Viral

Fresh St. Johnswort Tincture: Musculoskeletal Pain, Nerve Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Fibromyalgia, Anti-Viral
Fresh, wild St Johnswort/ Hypericum perforatum flowers (or St. Joanswort, as Susun Weed has deemed the plant) were packed into large glass jars and topped with 190 proof organic alcohol to make this striking and powerful tincture.
Unlike St. Johnswort herb found in capsules, there is no danger of photosensitivity in taking this form of the herb.
A lesser-known benefit of this tincture is its ability to ease and prevent muscle aches, which we appreciate here on the farm.
According to Susun Weed: “The tincture of Hypericum is also red, and it also eliminates muscle pain. Better yet, it prevents the build-up of lactic acid in muscles, thus preventing pain. To ease my sore muscles that first night, I took a full dropperful every hour until bedtime. I felt remarkably fit the next morning, with virtually no residual soreness or stiffness. Each day thereafter, I took a full dropperful of the tincture when I awoke, another after breakfast, another before dinner and one more before bed. In addition, I put 2-3 dropperfuls into my water bottle, which I sipped throughout the day. So long as you use the tincture, there is no overdose. But beware of St. J's in capsules. In general, I strictly avoid all herbs in capsules, as they consistently produce strange, sometimes life- threatening, side-effects.” Read More.
And from the Herbal Academy:
”St. John wort’s ability to help soothe nerves combined with its antiviral actions make this plant a wonderful ally for anyone dealing with the pain of shingles as well as herpes infections. In fact, herbalist Susun Weed explains that she finds St. John’s wort to be “one of the most effective antiviral plants I have ever worked with but especially focuses on the nerves” and therefore being particularly helpful when there is a “virus in the nerves” (LaLuzerne, 2013).” READ MORE
Herbalist Rosemary Gladstar states that St. Johnswort is“valued as a remedy for damaged nerve endings such as in burns, neuralgia, wounds, bruises, and other trauma to the skin. It is also often used to relieve stress, mild depression and anxiety, seasonal affective disorder, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue.” Gladstar, Rosemary. Herbs for Stress & Anxiety: How to Make and Use Herbal Remedies to Strengthen the Nervous System. A Storey BASICS® Title (pp. 102-103). Storey Publishing, LLC. Kindle Edition.