Seaberry Fractal Tonic 8OZ

Seaberry Fractal Tonic 8OZ
At last, it’s here! Our own unique creation bourne out of many years of growing, culinary experimentation, research, and lots and lots of first-hand tastings.
This is an intensification of SHO-grown, whole-seaberry plant treatments for super-charged flavor and nutritional bioavailability!
Every part of the seaberry plant (except the root) is creatively combined into this delicious tonic. It’s a perfect sweet, sour, slightly-salty brew that’s delicious on its own, mixed with soda water, or crafted into a perfect margarita!
The only reason we felt it was worth the multi-step process of making this elixer, was because it really is one of those ‘the-whole-is-greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts’ experiences.
This is our crafty adaptation of an ancient recipe called 'oxymel' [translating literally to acid and honey] that historically combines vinegar with honey along with herbal infusions for long-term medicinal preservation. We were determined to come up with a method that would enhance the power of seaberry’s nutrition and flavor, but without such a high content of non-seaberry ingredients that tend to taste mostly like—well—honey and vinegar!
Our Fractal Tonic contains:
1) Seaberry vinegar made with leaf, seed, and berry organic alcohol extract (with no alcohol remaining in the final product), seaberry leaf tea, and pure seaberry juice. The leaves and bark of the seaberry plant contain vital minerals and flavinoids and when brewed into vinegar, add soft tannins.
2) Seaberry seeds and skins fermented with rice koji and salt (this cultures the ample proteins in the seeds into amino acids and glutimates for that rounded, ‘umami’ flavor)
3) Pure seaberry nectar from our own frozen berries
4) Vermont maple syrup.
If you're going to take this medicinally, then we think it should carry the utmost possible potency. For more information about the nutritional contents of sea buckthorn, click here.
This will last a good while under refrigeration—but not as long as oxymel.
We’ve included a re-usable plastic envelope so that we can affordably ship your tonic frozen, preserving its freshness longer in shipment. Glass is expensive to ship, and these bottles do not freeze, and must be packed to order. We’ve left it up to you, though!